
Hi I just recently found this website and to say the least I am fascinated.

 I have spent the greater portion of the last 2 years of my life, examining, reading, studying, analyzing, and gathering information as to why I feel the way I do or don’t in the case. It has given me tremendous relieve to read this web page. Although extraordinarily scary at first, I know I will benefit greatly. I read about the use of drugs and how they have a profound affect on the influence of depersonalization. Well my instant response was of disbelief. I truly believe my drug abuse occurred because of the depersonalization feelings and the panic issues.

I used ecstasy, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and frankly some other drugs I had no clue of their origin. At best it was a temporary relieve to the constant agony and confusion my mind had conjured up. God blessed me with a moment of capture. I got arraigned and from the moment on I dropped nicotine, illicit drugs as well as prescription drugs. Its safe to say I left them behind with no thought of them coming back to haunt me psychotically (naive huh).

My father, a wonderful caring loving man, passed away when I was 10 years of age. Not to bore you with intricate details, but left behind was my mother, a cynical, very loving yet controlling woman who was always concerned with everybody but herself as though it seemed. I can relate to stories upon stories where DP could be abundant in my life. I have an obsession with the way my face feels and looks all the time, especially after I shower. Its a feeling that overwhelming me to the point of confusion and mere devastation. I have no emotion other than to relax the feeling in my face. I am dreadful of embarrassment to the point of avoidance of most people. It’s hard to explain but I truly can say it has been a struggle to overcome. Well that’s my story, I will write more I’m just little weird right now.

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