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I’m so happy to have found this website…to know I’m not alone dealing with this.  Although I have never been diagnosed with DP, I know I have it.  I
have had this feeling since I was 11 and now I am 16.  I have felt it persistently although I have learned to adjust as best as I can…but I will never feel normal.  The only thing that somewhat helps is just to not to think about it.  Sometimes I get severe attacks of DP which is the scariest thing ever…but no one can understand what I’m going through.  Just trying to describe how it feels causes me to have severe attacks of it.  Looking in a mirror is the weirdest thing and my own voice sounds foreign.  I hate feeling this way…I wish I could just feel normal, but the thing is. I no longer know what normal feels like, which is also a scary thing.  To make matters worse, the past year I have become very depressed…I have not received help and I have turned to self injury as a way to release (although I don’t recommend anyone to self harm).  I just want so bad to feel better and I hope everyone who feels this way can get better.  I definitely Don’t want to live the rest of my life feeling this way and I hope myself and everyone dealing with this will not have to live with it forever!

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