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I’ve experienced Derealization since I was a kid – back then it didn’t cause me a great deal of panic, I didn’t worry about it and it passed. As an adult, I’ve experienced this odd sensation at times of great stress in my life. When I was 28, I had a period of major depression that […]

Katie 2

I came across this site on accident, but I am so glad I did!  For over ten years, I thought I was the only one in the world who had experienced this. When I was 14 I tried smoking pot for the first time.  I didn’t feel anything from it.  I tried it again a few weeks […]


It started when was about 15. I’m not sure if smoking pot has anything to do with it. I don’t understand why it’s happening and I want answers.  I got kicked out of my foster mums house for getting my nose pierced, I felt normal, I had a social life, I wasn’t afraid to drink alcohol I wasn’t […]


Well, I guess to start off this completely f***d up story of my life living with DP. My name is Cone, well everyone and their mother calls me that. I’ll be sixteen in a week. It all started shy over 2 years ago. It started with just this melancholy detached from life sort of feeling […]


My name is Tina I’m 26 years old and live in Ma. I starting experimenting with drugs at the age of 11. It was just weed at first then I decided to smoke dust. I tried it once and didn’t care for it. Anyway, my grandmother took care of my sister and I, cause mom worked the night […]


I would like to begin by asking this simple question: Can smoking weed ONCE and getting high ONCE ruin the rest of a person’s life?The nightmare that now is my life began 4 years ago on November 8th 2001. I had started hanging with a bad crowd in school, you know the type that like sex, drugs and […]

Street Skater

I am 16 years old. I just really got into smoking pot about 4 months ago, but, before that I had only done it a few times. I use to have a really good time smoking pot with a couple of friends of mine, there would never be a bad time and I always wanted […]


Hi, I’m Seth. I’m 29 and I believe I have had DP since I was around 10. I first heard the term five years ago, attempting to find a name for what I was feeling. At first I though I was schizophrenic, dysphoric, bipolar…but none of these totally encompassed my symptoms. I came across the […]

Sarah 2

Hi my name is Sarah, I will just explain the symptoms that i have experienced of depersonalization. I find that when I am concentrating on a project especially something that has to do with my hands or if I have awoken from a nap that is during the day I start to hear a low […]


Depersonalization started for me when I was about 12. I had been smoking weed with my friend Jes for about 3yrs, and the first time I experienced DP we were sitting in her back yard on a picnic table smoking out of a home made can pipe. My friend dropped the weed, as I went […]